Thigh Lift in Atlanta, GA

Thigh Lift Before and After Pictures

If you recently had significant weight loss and the skin around your thighs hasn’t tightened up and is sagging, you may look in the mirror and want a more sleek and slender look. To gain this contoured look for your thighs, excess skin may need to be removed and lifted. If this is the case, then maybe you should consider a thigh lift. It will give you that normal contour that you have been desiring. The Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, led by Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr., offers thigh lifts for men and women who live in and around Buckhead, Vinings, and Sandy Springs.

What is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a surgical procedure that removes loose skin and fatty pockets from the thighs to create a more toned, streamlined contour. Dr. Work regularly performs thigh lifts for patients who have undergone extreme weight loss, as those who have had bariatric surgery.

Benefits of a Thigh Lift

Extreme weight loss naturally results in loose, hanging skin on the body. By removing this loose skin and extracting fatty pockets from the thighs, Dr. Work can create a toned, firm thigh contour that looks youthful and attractive and improves the way your clothing fits.

Reasons To Consider A Thigh Lift

Patients considering thigh lift surgery come to Dr. Work because they are concerned with the appearance of sagging skin and pockets of stubborn fatty deposits in areas on their thighs. Liposuction is very effective for removing the fatty deposits. However, liposuction alone does not remove and tighten excess skin. In order to provide a thorough rejuvenation of the thigh area, a thigh lift is the recommended cosmetic procedure.

Am I A Candidate For Thigh Lift Surgery?

Patients who have reached a stable weight but are unhappy with sagging skin or excess fatty pockets in the area of the inner or outer thighs may be excellent candidates for a thigh lift procedure providing they are adults in good overall health.

The Thigh Lift Procedure

Your procedure will depend on your anatomy and what type is best suited for you. One procedure that is frequently used is a medial thigh lift in which excess skin and fat are removed from the superior aspect of the medial thigh area bilaterally. The second method, called medial thigh lipectomy, requires skin and fat from the medial thigh to be removed utilizing a vertical incision extending from the groin crease down to the knee. Both of these procedures require excision of large amounts of skin, with or without liposuction.

Thigh Lift Recovery

The scars from this surgery will be positioned so as to minimize visibility and will eventually fade with time. Patients will be required to wear a compression garment on the thighs for approximately three to four weeks after which time normal activities can be resumed.

Are There Alternatives To A Thigh Lift?

In cases where there is not a lot of sagging skin, liposuction may successfully be used alone to tone and contour the thighs. This is most common among younger patients with excellent skin elasticity and no sagging skin to worry about.

How Much Does A Thigh Lift Cost in Atlanta?

Surgical cosmetic procedures such as a thigh lift are usually not a covered expense by most health insurance providers. The Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery makes thigh lifts and other cosmetic procedures affordable by offering easy financing options through CareCredit® and Prosper® Healthcare Lending for all our patients. Our office also accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

If you’ve recently undergone dramatic weight loss and your thighs appear aged and unattractive due to sagging skin and pockets of fatty tissue, consider a thigh lift procedure. Frederick T. Work, Jr. and his team of experts at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, provide excellence in thigh lift surgery and other cosmetic produces for residents of the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs areas in Georgia.
