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Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) in Atlanta, GA

Rhinoplasty Before and After Pictures

Rhinoplasty is the name of one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed, the “nose job.” One of the few plastic surgery procedures that are often performed on children, as well as adults, rhinoplasty or nose surgery can correct almost any cosmetic imperfection in the nose. The Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, led by Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr., has extensive experience performing rhinoplasty on adults and children in the communities around the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs areas in Georgia.

What is a Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct a variety of cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Altering the size of the nose.
  • Eliminating a bony hump or ridge.
  • Reshaping the tip of the nose.
  • Narrowing or widening the nasal bridge.
  • Reducing or expanding the flare of the nostrils.
  • Altering the angle between the nose and upper lip.

Rhinoplasty may also provide medical and structural benefits by correcting nasal birth defects, injuries or conditions that impair breathing, such as a deviated septum. In these instances, it is possible for rhinoplasty to be treated as a medical procedure and qualify for insurance coverage.

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Among the most popular of all plastic surgeries worldwide, rhinoplasty can provide a lasting, tangible impact on your quality of life, helping patients to breathe easier, feel more confident and feel happier about their appearance. Rhinoplasty is a safe and effective procedure that may be performed on children and adults alike, with lifelong results.

Is Rhinoplasty Right For Me?

You may be a candidate for rhinoplasty if you are in good general health and are seeking solutions to your concerns regarding one or more of the following:

  • Altering the size of your nose or nostrils to provide visual harmony with your other facial features.
  • Re-shaping the bridge of your nose if it appears too wide, crooked or has a bump or ridge on it.
  • Reconstructing your nose to its natural shape after an injury.
  • Correcting a congenital issue, such as a deviated septum in order to improve breathing.
  • Reconstructing the results of a previous rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty Surgery – Available Techniques

Rhinoplasty is a very personalized procedure and should never be simplified to a “one size fits all” mentality. There are various approaches and techniques, each intended to address specific needs. The procedure that is right for you will be selected based on a variety of factors. During your initial consultation at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Work will evaluate the shape of your nose, discuss your aesthetic goals and determine the best treatment plan to help you achieve those goals. Dr. Work may recommend one of the following procedures:

  • Open rhinoplasty – The most commonly performed cosmetic nose surgery is the open rhinoplasty. During this procedure, incisions are made on the outside and inside of the nose, through which the skin of the nose is raised, the internal structure reshaped and excess skin and cartilage tissue are removed. Tissue grafts are used to support and maintain the structure of the new nose and the incisions are sutured. This technique allows Dr. Work complete access to the internal structure of the nose, allowing for a very straightforward procedure with predictable results.
  • Closed rhinoplasty – The greatest benefit of closed rhinoplasty is no incisions are made on the outside of the nose. Hence, all of the incisions required for the procedure are hidden inside of the nasal cavity; however, this procedure allows the surgeon less direct access to inner structures, resulting in a less precise approach and less predictable outcome. Closed rhinoplasty, when performed by a skilled expert such as Dr. Work, does produce attractive, natural-looking results, with the same downtime and recovery period as open rhinoplasty and less visible scarring.

Rhinoplasty Recovery

Immediately following your surgery, you will need to keep your head elevated for 24 hours to minimize swelling. You may experience discomfort and should refrain from strenuous physical activity. During the first 10 days following surgery, the swelling will peak and then subside. Other symptoms will resolve themselves gradually and stitches will be removed or dissolve on their own. After about two weeks, you will be free to resume non-strenuous work activities and wear makeup to conceal any discoloration. Dr. Work advises that you resume normal exercise and activity after several weeks, during which most of the swelling will disappear.

How Much Does Rhinoplasty Cost in Atlanta?

Every cosmetic procedure is customized for each patient and naturally, for this reason, costs will vary between patients. To cover the costs of procedures not covered by medical insurance, the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery is pleased to offer CareCredit® and Prosper® Healthcare Lending as financing options to help our patients manage payments for their procedures. Our office also accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

If you or your child is unhappy with a nose that doesn’t harmonize with other facial features or if breathing is impaired by structural concerns, such as a deviated septum, it’s time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr. at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery. Dr. Work and his specialized team provide a variety of plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures, including open and closed rhinoplasty for both children and adults, in and around the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs area in Georgia.
