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Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) in Atlanta, GA

Many people feel embarrassed and insecure due to ears that stick out too far from the head or ears that are misshapen or asymmetrical. One of the rare plastic surgery procedures commonly practiced on children, otoplasty or ear surgery, can eliminate the problem quickly and efficiently. The Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, led by Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr., offers otoplasty, or ear surgery, for adults and children in and around the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs areas in Georgia.

What is Otoplasty?

Ear surgery, or otoplasty, is usually performed to correct ears that stick out too far from the head or to reduce the size of ears that are too large in proportion to other facial features. Otoplasty is also used to reshape ears that have been damaged by injury and to correct the appearance of ears that are asymmetrical. This is a common surgery that is safe to perform on both adults and children.

Benefits of Otoplasty

For children and adults alike, the appearance of “funny looking ears” is a source of painful embarrassment and a powerful blow to one’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Otoplasty corrective surgery eliminates the cause of unwanted bullying and harassment about the size of your ears and restores self-confidence in the process.

Am I a Candidate for Otoplasty?

Healthy children and adults who suffer from ears that stick out too far are too large, misshapen, asymmetrical or damaged by injury or past surgeries, are generally good candidates for ear surgery.

The Otoplasty Procedure

During the otoplasty procedure, Dr. Work makes tiny incisions in the natural skin folds behind your ears, allowing access to the cartilage of the ear. Through these incisions, he is able to remove a conservative amount of cartilage and mold the remaining cartilage to re-sculpt a normal ear position or shape. Once the ears have been corrected, Dr. Work will close the incisions with sutures and cover them with a bandage.

Otoplasty Recovery

Following surgery, your ears will be bandaged in a head wrap for one week to protect the repair and maintain the ear in the desired position. After removal of the wrap, you will be required to wear a sweatband to continue maintenance of the ears in the desired position for two weeks.

What Can Otoplasty Treat?

Otoplasty is most often performed to pin back ears that protrude too far from the head, but can also be used to reduce the size of overly large ears, a rare condition called macrotia. Otoplasty can also reshape ears that have been damaged by injury or past surgeries.

How Old Should My Child Be Before Having Ear Surgery?

Typically, a child’s ears are fully developed by the time they reach four years of age. Any time after that may be appropriate for ear surgery, as long as the child is in generally good health.

I Have Small, Oddly Shaped Ears. Can Ear Surgery Help Me?

Yes! Ear surgery is a versatile procedure that can correct a variety of concerns, including enlarging or reshaping your ears. During your consultation, Dr. Work will examine your ears and discuss the different options for corrective surgeries and procedures that are available to you.

After My Otoplasty When Can I Work Out?

We recommend resuming your regular exercise routine gradually three weeks after your surgery.

Does Otoplasty Or Ear Surgery Affect My Hearing?

Otoplasty reshapes or contours only the external ear and does not affect the internal organs required for hearing, so it has no effect on your hearing ability.

How Much Does Otoplasty Cost in Atlanta?

Since every cosmetic procedure is customized for each patient, costs will vary between patients. To cover the costs of procedures not covered by medical insurance, the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery proudly offers CareCredit® and Prosper® Healthcare Lending as financing options to help our patients manage the costs of their procedures. Our office also accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

If you or your child are unhappy with the appearance of ears that stick out too far from the head or ears that are misshapen or asymmetrical, causing damage to your self-esteem, consider a consultation with Frederick T. Work, Jr., at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery. Dr. Work and his specialized team provide a variety of plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures, such as otoplasty, for both children and adults in and around the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs area in Georgia.
