Facelift in Atlanta, GA

Facelift Before and After Pictures

Many people who have begun to see the effects of the aging process are interested in rejuvenating their appearance and looking younger. For men and women who live in and around Buckhead, Vinings, and Sandy Springs, a facelift from Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr. at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery can take years off your appearance. No matter how old you are, Dr. Work can help you achieve a rejuvenated appearance.

What is a Facelift?

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in the U.S. A facelift moves and reshapes skin, tissue, and muscle in order to define the facial contour and create a smoother, younger-looking appearance. A facelift is a surgical procedure that may be enhanced with complementary procedures, such as liposuction or dermal filler injections.

Benefits of a Facelift

The primary benefit of a facelift is the tightening of loose skin to restore a smooth finish and a look of youthful vitality. Dr. Work can completely remove loose sagging skin from the lower face, jowls, and neck to create a firmer, more vibrant, youthful appearance. The facelift also removes wrinkles, frown lines, creases, and other signs of skin laxity, giving you an overall smooth finish. In some cases, the facelift transfers and repositions fat deposits in the face to create fullness where filler is needed.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Dr. Work recommends the facelift for adults who are in good general health and who suffer from sagging skin in the upper and mid-face region, as well as in the neck and along the jawline. Some patients choose a facelift to improve the following conditions:

  • Sagging in the midface region.
  • The formation of sagging jowls along the jawline.
  • Loose skin and fat under the chin area, causing a “double chin” or “turkey neck” effect.

The following factors will help Dr. Work determine whether you are a good candidate for facelift surgery:

  • The condition of your skin: Your skin will require some amount of flexibility and elasticity.
  • Your underlying bone structure: The bone structure of your face provides the required support for relocated fat and tissue during a facelift.
  • Your overall health: As with any surgical procedures, Dr. Work requires that patients be in generally good health and free from any major medical conditions. This is key for proper healing and recovery after the procedure.
  • Your expectations: Ideally, you should have realistic expectations about your goals for surgery.

The Facelift Procedure

During the procedure, Dr. Work will make precise incisions usually above the hairline at the temples, following the natural hairline. Facial and neck tissue, along with muscle may be lifted and separated from the underlying structure. Fat will be trimmed or extracted by suction methods and underlying muscle tissue will be tightened. Once the deep tissue is tightened, excess skin is trimmed away, the remaining skin is repositioned and incisions are sutured. Most of the scars will be hidden in your hair and within the normal creases of your skin.

Facelift Recovery

Immediately following surgery, a bandage will be wrapped around your head to help relieve some swelling and to protect the delicate tissue. Bandages are removed within two days, at which time you will be free to shower and wash your hair. Sutures will be removed within two weeks. You may return to non-strenuous activity and light exercise after three weeks, gradually increasing after four to six weeks until you resume your regular activity levels.

How Long Does A Face Lift Last?

This is a very commonly asked question during the consultation. Facelift surgery does not stop the aging process, although it helps you recover a more youthful look in the present. The results of a facelift may vary in duration between patients for several reasons. The condition of the skin determines a great deal. Skin that has lost elasticity through aging, sun damage, smoking, and weight fluctuations will tend to show signs of aging again sooner than more elastic skin. Younger skin with more of its natural collagen and elasticity will maintain the results longer. Your self-care will also determine how long your results stay stunning. Dr. Work recommends using sunscreen, avoiding smoking, eating a healthy diet, and enjoying a healthy exercise routine for optimal, long-lasting results.

How Much Does a Facelift Cost in Atlanta?

Your facelift procedure will be personalized and customized to your particular concerns; therefore, costs will vary between patients. To offset the expenses of procedures not covered by medical insurance, the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery is proud to provide CareCredit® and Prosper® Healthcare Lending as financing options to help our patients. Our office also accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

If you are noticing signs of aging in your face and long to regain your youthful appearance, consider a consultation with Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr. at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery for a facelift. Dr. Work and his specialized team of professionals offer a variety of plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures for residents of the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings, and Sandy Springs area in Georgia.
