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Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) in Atlanta, GA

Blepharoplasty Before and After Pictures

Many people find that heavy drooping eyelids undermine an otherwise youthful appearance. For these men and women who live in and around Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs, the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery, led by Dr. Frederick T. Work, Jr., offers blepharoplasty.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery, known in the medical world as blepharoplasty, is a procedure that removes excess skin and fatty deposits from the upper and lower eyelids and tightens lax muscle and ligaments around the eye area. Eyelid surgery is used to eliminate drooping upper lids and puffy bags below the eyes, features that can make individuals look older and more tired than they really are, and may in some cases, also interfere with your ability to see clearly.

Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty rejuvenates the appearance of the eyes, imparting a fresh and youthful appearance to the face. In some cases, blepharoplasty eliminates drooping eyelids that interfere with a person’s ability to see properly. In all cases, blepharoplasty refreshes an individual’s appearance and provides improvements to self-confidence and self-esteem.

Are You a Candidate for Blepharoplasty?

Good candidates for eyelid surgery are adult men and women who are in generally good health, have healthy facial tissue and muscles and seek a solution to drooping eyelids and bags of fatty pockets around the eyes. All candidates for this procedure should have realistic goals as to what plastic surgery can accomplish.

Candidates for eyelid surgery include healthy patients who seek to correct the following conditions:

  • Droopy eyelids that make you look tired and fatigued, even when you feel full of energy.
  • Puffiness and sagging skin around the eyes that make you look older than your actual age.
  • Droopy, hooded eyelids that hinder your eyesight and affect your ability to see.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

Upper eyelid surgery removes loose, sagging skin that can cause multiple wrinkles or hooding over the eye. Blepharoplasty may also be performed to repair muscle tissue around the eye that has lost elasticity and firmness.

Ideal Candidates for Upper Eyelid Surgery

Blepharoplasty is recommended for patients who are concerned about the excess skin around the eyelids, loose skin that hangs down from the upper eyelids, puffiness around the eyes and other concerns caused by sagging skin and lax muscles in the eye region.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

During lower eyelid surgery, fatty tissue is removed, along with a minimal amount of skin tissue. This procedure is used to tighten skin and muscle tissue in the lower eyelids and remove bags in the lower lids and below the eye. Fine lines and wrinkles, as well as “crow’s feet”, are not targeted in this procedure, however, many patients choose to combine the lower eyelid surgery with other complementary procedures to achieve a total makeover.

Ideal Candidates for Lower Eyelid Surgery

Lower eyelid surgery is recommended for healthy adult men and women who have excess skin and fine wrinkles in the area of the lower eyelids and those who have puffy bags around the lower eyelid.

Blepharoplasty Recovery

Following surgery, some patients experience minor discomfort, such as blurred vision, tightness around the eyes, bruising and swelling. However, these symptoms quickly resolve within a few days. Your stitches will be removed after the first week, and after two weeks, you may resume non-strenuous activities, as well as resume wearing contact lenses if needed. We recommend pampering the skin around your eyes for several months after the procedure and stress the use of sun block on your eyelids and sunglasses to protect your eyes from sun damage.

What Can Be Done For Dark Circles Under My Eyes?

Dark circles may be effectively removed during lower eyelid surgery if shadowing due to bulges or bags causes it. If, however, the dark circles are a result of hyperpigmentation, skin bleaching creams or light chemical peels may help improve this condition.

How Old Should I Be To Undergo Eyelid Surgery?

There is no precise age for undergoing eyelid surgery as long as you are a fully developed adult. Excessive skin in the upper lids or bulging fat in the lower lids is most common among mature adults. However, some young adults suffer from genetic conditions that cause these same traits in youth.

When Should Eyelid Surgery Be Combined With A Brow Lift?

It is very common to combine eyelid surgery with a brow lift when the same condition of dropping skin affects both the eyebrows and eyelids due to loss of elasticity in the skin of the entire region.

How Much Does Blepharoplasty Cost in Atlanta?

Cosmetic procedures are different for each patient, as these procedures are often specialized and customized to your particular concerns. Therefore, the costs will vary between patients. To help cover the costs of procedures not covered by medical insurance, the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery is happy to provide CareCredit® and Prosper® Healthcare Lending as financing options to help our patients manage the costs of their procedures. Our office also accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards.

If your eyelids detract from a youthful appearance making you seem older or more tired than you really are, consider a consultation with Frederick T. Work, Jr. at the Atlanta Center for Breast and Aesthetic Surgery for eyelid surgery. Dr. Work and his specialized team provide a variety of plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures for residents of the Atlanta, Buckhead, Vinings and Sandy Springs area in Georgia.
